Dogs and cats are not naturally inclined to fight one another; that idea is only a myth. Both animals can tolerate each other, and even get along very well. You simply need to understand how their minds work.
1: It's personality that matters, not the breed
It's a common belief that putting certain breeds of cat and dog together is easier because they are genetically better suited to one another. This isn't necessarily true, however. A cat and a dog that are supposed to be well-matched breeds can be unhappy together if they aren't the right personality match. A territorial, high-energy dog wouldn't be a good match for a shy cat, for example, and an older dog wouldn't be happy with a playful kitten.
Since it can be hard to know what kind of personality an animal is before you get it, you might consider getting a pet that's already been with a family, so that you can ask them questions about the personality that you are likely to be dealing with. If a match seems difficult once you've got a cat and a dog together, your backup plan should be to give them different areas of the house to live in so that you can keep them separated.
2: Consider getting a pup and a kitten together
A dog and a cat familiar with each other since a young age can peacefully learn to be around each another. Dogs tend to learn to defer to cats if introduced to them very young.
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3: Help your dog with some training
Nearly any dog can be trained to control rambunctious impulses that might be difficult for cats to take. A dog that seems to jump whenever he spots a cookie, or runs full-tilt when he hears a squeaky toy, probably wouldn't be a good fit for a cat. The dog would probably overreact at the sight of a feline, or merely behave in a way that scares the animal. Training can help. A dog can learn to be quieter and to react less suddenly. It would also be a good idea to keep your dog on a leash the first time he meets your cat.
4: Give your cat his own private space
A dog can be too much for a cat to take, no matter how well you train the dog. It's for this reason that you need to give your cat space that he can call all his own. Your dog should learn that the area is off-limits. Your cat should be much more comfortable with his living situation once he has his own private space.
You should also give your cat a safe area in every room of the house -- a place that he can run to out of the reach of the dog, should he need to. Shelves, a tall cat tree, a cat bed on a high dresser -- all of these can help your cat hide when he needs to or observe your dog from a perch where he feels safe.
5: Keep your dog away from the litter box
Dogs have an unpleasant preference for cat feces, a taste that's dangerous to them. It's important to train your dog to unlearn this natural preference, or to at least put your cat's litter box in a cage with bars wide enough just for him.
6: Make sure there is no competition over food
Dogs often love cat food, and cats love dog food. It wouldn't be a bad idea to give them a treat of one another's food every now and then. Cats, however, like to steal food from dog bowls, and dogs like to do the same from cat dishes. It's a good idea to feed both animals at the same time, with bowls far away from one another. This way, both animals should be too busy with their own food to bother with the other.
Raising a cat and a dog together shouldn't be hard. It can take some planning, however, and some sensitivity to personality traits.
This article was written by George deGeyter for Top Gun Dog Training.
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